
Siddhant - The Teaching

Siddhant is teaching that brings us to perfection. Siddhant is true philosophy. It is siddha, perfection, at the anta or end. Shri Vallabhacharya’s siddhant is strictly for the attainment of Shri Krishna and is full of devotional, inspirational and practical advice for his followers. His words are replete with wisdom and love and are essential bhakti empowerments.

The Blessed Master’s teachings nurture the delicate inner seed of devotion and guard it from the confusion and false identification that can cloud our vision and make us forget our true blissful nature. This seed of devotion begins as a subtle notion and can mature into a wishing tree that provides the blessed one with the priceless fruit of bhakti, the supreme unconditional devotion. In that blessed state the Beloved appears in the heart and throughout creation, filling us with His own joy.

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